The goal of Espania is individualized attention. The smaller the group size, the more effective teachers are.
Teacher/Student ratio
Being the school with the best Teacher/Student ratio of all Kindergartens registered under Ministry of Education in Slovakia, we take advantage of learning in a small group and having family like relationship with our child´s teacher. The friendship connection remains solid many times years after the attendance end of the kindergarten.
Different speed of every child
Children advance at different rates, in different areas, and all have different learning styles. Larger group size reduces teachers’ effectiveness to differentiate these learning styles and is not possible to deliver individualized approaches.
Smaller group sizes allow us to adapt to each child;s individual needs without allowing any child to fall behind the other children. In other words, the smaller group sizes ensure that we can bring every child up to more advanced levels without 'losing' any children along the way.
Teacher will modify the approach to fit each child of the group personally. For example, some children tend to learn by listening/ looking / writing.
Having a small group allows teachers to focus on the abilities of each child and to give each child exactly what they need in a more personalised way.
Teacher will modify the curriculum
Not all children are great in the same things, but having small groups helps to focus on great things that kids can do in each area. If one child is presently amused about Koala bears and another child about Minecraft, teacher can incorporate this study into the curriculum of any day.
Social Skills
In the small social group of 7, it is very easy for children to develop better social skills. Children can form a team spirit and great relationships. Teachers are given the opportunity to create a caring, learning environment where each childs progress is awarded, and child feels safe. This approach does not only result in an academic excellence but also nurtures the childs personality and their specific and individualistic emotional needs. Teachers are given the opportunity to pick up on any issues and address them immediately.
This close connection to each child allows teachers to support their growth and build a lasting relationship based on trust.